This makes it rather incredible that we find both of these men have been pictured next to replicas of the iconic Aztec Sunstone. This particular Mesoamerican calendar stone is commonly used as a stand in for an actual Maya Calendar stone (as no actual Maya Calendar stone has been found).
Barak Obama was photographed in front of the Aztec Suntone whilst on a visit to Mexico whilst in the film ‘Hancock’ we see the same Aztec Sunstone stuck on the front John Hancock’s mobile home. At least Obama had the excuse of being in Mexico the home of the calendar system. For what reason did the directors of ‘Hancock’ decide it was important that the star character should be associated with this ancient calendar stone?
There is another 2012 related subject that needs to be broached here. The now infamous 11 & 11 synchronicities experienced by hundreds of thousands of people (quite likely millions) are very relevant. This refers to people finding four 1’s in odd places during their daily lives. Most commonly it is claimed individuals always notice a clock just as it turns 11:11.
The more astute reader will have noted that we have already referenced Revelations 11:11 at the start of this investigation. Those of you with a laser sharp mind will have additionally noticed that both our subjects of study have the same suffix to their full names. Taken together they give us what looks awfully like an 11 11 in this case it is II II. Pretty far out weirdness in my opinion. Then 11:11UT just happens to be the time of the winter solstice on 21-12-2012 or the last day of the current Maya Long Count cycle. I have noted previously that 11-synchronicity flow through many fringe subjects ranging from conspiracies to global shifts. Barak Obama just happens to be the 44th president of America, which is of course 11 + 11 + 11 + 11. [Eisenhower was the 33rd]
Whenever I start to write these Blog posts they always provoke relevant synchronicity in my daily life. This morning I woke up and turned the television on to find an old episode of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air showing a young Will Smith. The second synch came whilst reading ‘2012 Science or Superstition’ in the bath. I noticed that the screenshot from Terrance McKenna’s, year 2012 linked, Timewave Zero software shown on page 150 included 11 11. Most notably the image is of screen number 11 of 11 and depicts a period of extreme novelty beginning on 11-11-2010.
Barak Obama & Will Smith Begin 1260 Days of Prophecy
It is no secret that Will Smith supports the Obama presidency, he even donated to the campaign. There are several instances of Will Smith talking positively of Barak Obama. If only it stopped there and that was the end of the subject. No such luck unfortunately.
In mid December both Barak Obama and Will Smith were together in Norway. Just as Will Smith had been present at Barak’s presidential inauguration so too was he present for the Nobel peace prize presentation. In fact Will Smith interviewed the president just after receiving his award. Anyone who has seen the video of that interview can tell these people have a personal friendship on some level away from the cameras.
To make matters all the weirder back in January Will Smith stated he would like to play the role of Barak Obama in a film about the first black presidency. In February Barak Obama stated that if he were ever to have a film made about him he would want Will Smith to play him. It is also notable that the Smiths are sometimes referred to as the ‘First Family’ of Hollywood. Something very weird is going down here. It is like some zany Jesus Christ and John the Baptist thing is going on.Just before the two men met in Norway the world had been captivated by another interesting event in that country. I refer of course to the astounding blue spiral phenomena in the night sky. These remain unsatisfactorily explained with the crappy ‘Russian missile failure’ story. Interestingly the Maya calendar deals with an ever-tightening spiral of time. The Norway Spiral has been investigated by a math under-graduatewith interesting conclusions.
Obama delivered a now infamous Nobel acceptance speech that had George Orwell spinning in his grave. It is now official, 'war is peace'. To make the world a shiny happy place we just need to slaughter enough people that never did anything to us, other than maybe dress funny or talk differently.
The celebration concert for Obama’s Nobel exceptance just happened to be the 11th. Just 7 days later Obama appeared at the COP-15 climate change conference in Denmark. There he gave an address, or rather he offered his prophecies for future rolling catastrophe if no one world governmental policy came into place. The logo of the conference looks rather like a SOHO infrared image of the sun except the sun is portrayed as blue and white instead of yellow and red. There’s that white sun again.
That was also the same day that a mile wide pyramid was video recorded floating above the Kremlin in Russia. Perhaps the aliens took the [alledged] Russian missile caused blue spiral as an invite?
Are we really in the 1260 days of biblical Revelations?
Can we expect to see further esoteric talk and prophecy speak from our two witness candidates?
Is this really a case of divine manifestation?
Or are we perhaps being given a great theatrical show by the Illuminati intended to convince Christians their prophecy are fulfilled?
I am not in a position to make any final conclusions at this time. What I can say is that after having only scratched the surface of this subject I am already feeling pretty ‘weirded out’ by it.
As ever make up your own minds. I would appreciate any further information regarding this subject.
“People laugh, but if I set my mind to it, within the next 15 years I would be president.” – Will Smith [2003]
By Bruce
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