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2012 galactic alignment: hoax

I said it numerous times and I wrote plenty of articles stating 2012 is a complete scam. A DCS reader posted a link to NASA’s “Ask an Astrobiologist” website and it deserves some attention. Here is the question/answer:


Hi, i have a question about the sun alignment in the center of the galaxy in 2012. Will the sun be in the EXACT center of the galaxy? or just lined up/next to the center of the sun. If you can, can you explain this to me. (15 years old) Thank you very much.


I can’t explain it because it is just an Internet hoax. There is no alignment with the center of the Galaxy in 2012 or any time. As to the Sun being in the center of the Galaxy, that it impossible; the Sun and solar system will always remain at about 30,000 light years from the galactic center. These stories on the Internet are simply lies, and I am sorry if they have been a problem for you. A lot of the stuff on the Internet is wrong, and you have to learn to distinguish the truth from the lies. One simple test is to ask if any of these claims are made by real scientists, or if they have been reported in newspapers or on TV news. The stories about alignments or disaster striking in 2012 do not pass this test.

David Morrison
NAI Senior Scientist
July 7, 2008

Hope this clears a couple of things. I know some people will say you can’t trust the NASA, blah, blah, blah and I don’t care that much honestly. One thing I’ve learned from that 2012 thing is that you can’t argue in a logical way and there will always be people to scare the shit out of you no matter how logical your argumentation is. There will always be people to tell you to “open your eyes”, get out of your “perfect world”, “conspiracies are all around you”, etc. With over 600 comments on my 2012 article, I’ve seen the discussion going into many directions and I can say this thing will go on until 2012 because new scams will surface every day. And guess what? In 2012 we’ll be talking about 2016, then 2020 and so on.

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