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Everyone please help give the shelter animals a chance

We like to read the newspaper at my school, and we had a discussion about the animal shelter. I don't think it's fair how the County Shelter is treating stray animals. How can the people stand to work there and kill those animals? Why are they killing so many? It makes me very sad and mad that some of them (animals) only get a week to live.

I asked my parents if we could adopt one, but we already have three pets, so we can't right now. Our beagle keeps escaping, too, no matter what we do. I wish some families could save the dogs and cats that are being killed. The city and county should build a bigger shelter and stay open later so families can come and adopt them.

When you have pets, they make you feel better when you are lonely, and they are always there for you, too. I also think the people at the shelter should give the pets longer to live because they need a chance and didn't do anything wrong. They are looking for a family to love and care for.

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